How Organic Farming Helps the Earth

April 20, 2023 , Organic Farming

As a farm practice, the popularity of organic farming is getting higher and higher. Though conventional agriculture is still in practice in most agricultural fields, the demand for this eco-friendly cultivation is being taken into consideration by the present farmers.

What is Organic Farming?

It is a question worth discussing when it comes to the acceptance of this type of farming at present. Most organic farming adherents claim that as it excludes all synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, it gives unique value to foods. It is not farming only, but also an attitude of working mutually with nature.

Organic farming, as a holistic farm management approach, aims to generate an environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable food production system. To put it in other words, this farming is based on an agroecosystem, rather than socially depending on the outer farming contributions like artificial fertilizers, pesticides, additives, and hereditarily customized organisms.

Organic farming is the combination of traditional and advanced scientific research and innovation. For example, it involves the use of traditional farm practices together with highly developed scientific study and modern farm innovations.  It is like using compost and organic soil instead of synthetic fertilizers.

Organic farmers are lifesavers who are true to their work of cultivating healthy and nutritious crops. Maintaining and enhancing the significant natural resources with sustainable development of agriculture for the upcoming generation is their further responsibility.

How the Organic Farming Movement Starts

As the worldwide population started to grow up quickly, the need for sustainable food production has become more evident. Unsound farm practices may gear only toward higher yields and put additional pressure on global issues such as Climatic change, loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, and pollution of important natural resources like water and soil.

To make fit the global food demands, and mitigate the aforesaid problems, many countries and farmers have directed their purpose of agriculture to organic farm practices. The present survey reveals that there are 2.3 million certified organic farmers in 172 countries. Most surprisingly, though the agricultural land for organic farming is increasing, yet there is only 1% of the land is used only for organic farming.  The reason behind this petty percentage is that organic farmers can grow huge crops on limited surfaces in comparison with the conventional system of agriculture.

Organic farming doesn’t mean advanced scientific research and modern farm innovations. It is a combination of the conventional method also.

The Different Practices in Organic Farming

The different countries standardize different laws and regulations separately for organic farming. Following this, the various practices of organic agriculture are in use: The most important are crop rotation, growing cover crops, organic nutrient management, weeding, preventive crop protection measures, recycling materials, etc.


Bottom Line

Organic farming is quite profitable and at the same time, it protects the environment. The farmers are generally worried about output and productivity. Conventional farming is no doubt productive. But the higher cost of input and the lower market price affects its profitability. Organic farming boosts crop growth, while conventional farming eliminates potential crop damage.

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