How Organic Farming Helps Agricultural Development

February 24, 2023 , fertilizers, Organic Farming
How Organic Farming Helps Agricultural Development img

Studies show that organic farming has a relative advantage in areas with erratic or less rainfall and poor soil quality. Organic agriculture does not need costly investments in irrigation, energy, and external inputs but substantial investments that build through research and training.

Organic farming, the name itself radiates a breath of fresh air. Though emerges lately as a method of producing crops, the organic agricultural trend dates back to the old method of farming. It helps not only regenerate the fertility level but also helps to maintain the balance of nature. No artificial chemicals or fertilizers are used in this farming. It has been proved by researchers that high-breed fruits and vegetables transmit pesticides to the human body. While the consumption of organic farming products reduces infectivity.

Pro-Poor Organic Agricultural Policies

Pro-poor organic agricultural policies do have the

prospect to develop local food security, especially in those marginal areas. Therefore, organic farming is not only sustainable for agriculture, but also for farmers and economies in general. The importance of organic agriculture brings in several changes like the preservation of natural resources, higher income, self-reliance, and rural development.

Antibiotic Resistance in Organic Farming

Humans are vulnerable to a variety of health issues and diseases. Human being has to go through precautionary measures to ensure health and prosperity. Various types of vaccinations as well as antibiotic drugs help to attain precaution against different diseases. Organic foods give that level of safeguard to resist any diseases. Similarly, non-organic food sources (particularly livestock and feeds) use vaccines, growth hormones, animal byproducts, and antibiotics to treat and feed the animals.

The Techniques and Practices of Organic Farming for Sustainable Development in Agriculture:

Converting to Compost for Soil Management

Organic farming uses animal and plant waste for creating biofertilizers. After the cultivation of the crop, the nutrient and quality of the soil are lost. Organic farming, therefore, emphasizes the utilization of microorganisms in the atmosphere, and plant and animal waste to produce organic fertilizer.

Converting into compost is also a very popular scheme to reprocess waste that includes dung, weeds, night soil, crop residue, and leftover harvest processing. It improves the structure, quality, and nutrients of soil which brings a positive effect on Earth to resist disease and pests.

Crop Diversity

For sustainable development in agriculture, farmers are following a new practice called by another name Polyculture. It’s a method through which a range of crops can be grown simultaneously to meet the growing demand for food. This also ensures that soil quality that hardly deteriorates over a period of time.

Genetic Modification

Organic farming highlights the use of natural methods, and genetic modification is, therefore, refraining from this practice. It encourages sustainable agriculture development as it doesn’t use a simulated range of the crop and retains the original taste, texture, and flavor of the crops and livestock.

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